My Story
In 2007, Dominic Stokes founded Community Teen Coalition, Inc. (CTC) a youth social entrepreneurship program designed to generate the skills and motivation necessary for success in post-secondary and entrepreneurship education. Upon watching the news, he became bothered by the constant reporting of teen crime, arrests and deaths mostly within the African-American community. Going along with that news, came the discovery of a sharp decline among youth in matriculation through college, as well as a lack of motivation, goal-setting and optimism of their future.
Part of the goal of CTC is to prepare and encourage youth to “don’t wait for the opportunity”, create the opportunity”. The organization assists teens with the ability to develop social enterprises and foster a next generation of entrepreneurs – both job creators and entrepreneurial employees.
Through his work with CTC, Stokes was led to use the power of visual storytelling to produce “Atlanta’s Young and Homeless” and “If Streets Could Talk ” a documentary focusing on the mindset of Atlanta’s youth and their interest and involvement in gangs. Stokes’ overall goal is to equip and empower youth with the necessary tools to be the change they want to see in the world.
Dominic holds a Bachelor’s of Arts in Business from Clayton State University, a Master’s of Science in Human Resources from Central Michigan University and a graduate certificate in Nonprofit Management from Georgia State University. Mr. Stokes is also the recipient of the FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award, two Proclamations, 2020 Rice Awards “Foundation of the Year” and the Atlanta Hawks “True to the Dream” Award in honor of Dr. King.